Friday 4 November 2016

Results of Disarmament Survey

Survey conducted by: Lilly Maher                                                                November 4th, 2016


Disarmament is a large issue spreading worldwide. Even first world countries struggle with the issue of civilians possessing guns and using them in a tormenting way. Disarmament is a excellent solution in many people’s point of view, but certain people believe that guns are a necessary item that they could not live without.  

Q.1 Should civilians be allowed to possess guns and other war related items?

Most people believe that Civilians should not be allowed to possess guns or war related items. If no civilians are allowed to possess guns then there will be no need for anyone to “protect themselves.” Few people believe that guns should be allowed with strict laws and regulations or an improvement of the laws already in place. Very thorough background checks should be in place and the owners must give very specific reasons as to why they want to possess the gun, and a limit to what guns should be allowed and guns that are not. No one had an argument against disarmament.

Q.2  Give a reason for your previous answer.

Q.3 Do you believe that in countries such as the Democratic Republic of the Congo civilians should be allowed to carry weapons?

The majority (69.2%) of the class believe that in a waring & corrupt country civilians should be allowed to carry guns with special regulations and laws. Altho it will be hard to enforce those laws with such a corrupt country.  15.4% of the class believes that all guns should be taken away from civilians and that they sound not be allowed to use or have access to them. 7.7% believe that the people the people in the DRC should be allowed to have guns as a way to protect themselves. The remaining 7.7% believe in another option not listed.

Q.4 How can the effects of disarmament be a problem?
The after effects of disarmament can be a problem. Some people may resist guns being taken away and not give their guns back. So some will still have guns while others do not which would cause mayhem with those whose guns were taken away. People will resist giving up their guns and cause issues and disturbance. The majority of people whose guns were taken away from them will cause an uproar and they will try and defend their rights with protest and taking away guns may cause fear and trust issues between the people and the government. People will feel unsafe and not listen they would reject the government. There would be an increase in the smuggling of guns and blackmarket. Criminals can gain access to guns and be very dangerous because no one has the means to protect themselves. People will feel unsafe because they will not have any means of protection.

Q.5 Who should be allowed to carry guns?
76.9% think that  only police, army and other emergency services should be allowed to carry guns while other believe that should be allowed to be used for hunters as well. The remaining percent think that everyone should be allowed to carry guns.

Q.6 What countries are in desperate need of disarmament?

The USA is one of the main countries that need disarmament, they are setting examples for the rest of the world. Third world countries  and countries such as the DRC, Honduras, Colombia, Iran and Iraq are all in need of disarmament.

Q.7 Why would some people not agree with disarmament?
People are emotionally and traditionally tied with their weapons and from a young age they are taught to believe that they have the the right to use them as they please, they feel violated if they are taken away. People who make their living off of hunting will have difficulty with disarmament because they will no longer be able to use their guns. People will feel unsafe without their guns and feel as though they don't have any means of self defence. People feel that things will forever stay the same and nothing is going to change.  

Disarmament altho a good thing in many points, it could cause more issues than it's solving. It could create rebellion and distrust within the government and cause mayhem and chaos. As well as people who make a living off of guns can no longer do that. Guns should be allowed but with strict strict regulations and very thorough background checks to see if they should be able to possess guns and use them in a safe way.   

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